Long live JK Rowling rebelling against the woke fury. Someone say it's like the Zan bill

The times of… are far, far away Scotland synonymous with freedom. The Hate Crime Act came into force two days ago in Edinburgh, which extends the crime of “incitement to hatred”, until now only contemplated …

Long live JK Rowling rebelling against the woke fury.  Someone say it's like the Zan bill

The times of… are far, far away Scotland synonymous with freedom. The Hate Crime Act came into force two days ago in Edinburgh, which extends the crime of “incitement to hatred”, until now only contemplated for cases of racism, also to those who express ideas contrary to gender identity. In other words, not only will those who harass or attack people be punished, but also those who dare not share the idea of ​​gender, claiming that there are only two sexes. That is, what biology says, as well as common sense. A clear attack on freedom of expression, destined to unleash tensions in the country. As we well know, JK Rowling he risks big for his positions on trans but he has no intention of taking steps backwards and giving in for fear of this law, a distant relative of the Zan bill.

JK Rowling openly challenged the Scotland of the jocks, ready to putt jailed for seven years those who do not align themselves with the diktats of the LGBT religion so dear to the Edinburgh government. “Freedom of speech and belief will end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is criminalized. I'm out of the country at the moment, but if what I've written here qualifies as a crime under the terms of the new law, I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment.” , which has garnered widespread acclaim online and not only at home. The debate is also open in Italy, although it is at least curious that no one has mentioned the project – fortunately unsuccessful – of PD starring Alessandro Zan.

In Scotland it was already a crime to “foment racial hatred”, but for two days now “threatening or offensive” behavior intended to foment hatred on the basis of other characteristics, such as religion, age, disability, sexual orientation and transgender identity. Unfortunately, that's not all: it will also be possible to prosecute people – Rowling but not only – for what they say in the privacy of their home. It doesn't remind you of the much talked about one bill against homobitransphobia dem? The Zan bill also provided for the tightening of penalties against crimes and discrimination against homosexuals, transsexuals, women and disabled people. Going into detail, it provided for imprisonment of up to four years (always better than seven, of course) for discrimination based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability. In other words, the Zan bill also threatened freedom of expression. The centre-right's obstructionism saved the country from this liberticidal measure but it is forbidden to lower our guard: the Scottish example demonstrates that woke fury is always lurking.

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